Summer Safety with Babies

Summer is so much fun! I know after a long, boring, and cold Midwest winter I am always so ready to enjoy lake weekends, beach trips, pool days, and just being outside with my husband, kids, and baby! I also think going places and doing things with our babies is so important for them! Outside time matters just as much to them as it does to us— fresh air, different things to look at, so much sensory input!

With all of this being said, it is super important to take a few things into consideration regarding safety when we are enjoying these activities with our babies in the heat of summer! Keeping an eye on/checking in on our babies frequently is also important to ensure everyone is well hydrated, comfortable, and happy. Let’s talk a little more about this so you feel confident heading out and enjoying time outdoors this summer!


Summer is hot (duh), so it’s important to assess our baby frequently so that we can accommodate their needs. Overheating is somewhat different in babies than adults (they don’t have beads of sweat dripping down) — plus, they cannot tell you how they feel!

Watch for:

  • Red, flushed faces

  • lethargy

  • fussiness

  • warm skin

  • rapid breathing

These are all signs of potential overheating— so it’s best to get baby to a nice cool place + give some fluids ASAP! 

Sometimes we need to think outside the box, but typically most restaurants, shops, etc have A/C if you need a place to go cool off quickly. There’s also always the option of heading to your car and cranking up the A/C to sit with your baby once it’s cooled off in the car. I always recommend having a simple tank/tee onesie in your bag or car in case baby needs their protective sun clothing/any layers taken off and changed into something more lightweight and cooling while indoors cooling off in the A/C. I have more info on dressing baby appropriately for different temps/seasons in my “Bringing Home Baby Course” HERE.

On the topic of overheating, another important consideration in hot weather is not using blankets or “car seat covers” on your stroller in the hot sun! A mesh/breathable sunshade like THIS ONE and stroller fan MY FAVE HERE are absolutely perfect! Using big blankets/car seat covers that are not lightweight or breathable and can trap a lot of heat in the stroller where your baby is sleeping, so a mesh option is really nice. I ALWAYS recommend a stroller fan! And I usually bring THIS PORTABLE CHARGER just in case we are going to be out for a while in case the charge doesn’t last!

Here are some of my favorite little “nice to have” devices for keeping baby cool!

FLUID intake 

Did you know that babies need about 50% MORE fluids when they’re out in the sun?! This means, if your baby typically takes 20oz of breastmilk/formula per day, they likely need closer to 30oz of breastmilk/formula when out in the sun. Think about it: when we are out in the sun as adults, we get thirstier and tend to drink more water! For babies, their breastmilk/formula (under 6 months) IS their hydration as well as their nutrition! They’re thirstier too! Nursing babies may want to go to breast more frequently than typical when our in the heat/sun and that is completely normal, be sure to pack to accommodate this! HERE are some of my favorite nursing on the go options to keep comfortable.

Remember, babies less than 6 months shouldn’t have water, so make sure you pack extra breastmilk/formula or be ready to nurse more frequently to accommodate this! If baby is greater than 6 months, bring some water along for hydration too! I love this STROLLER COOLER to keep all your waters/breastmilk/formula/drinks cold for longer and it attaches right to the stroller (hint: also great for yogurts and applesauce pouches!). You know if you’re bringing breastmilk I always love the CERES CHILL milk thermos, as it keeps your breastmilk cold for 20+hours! This is also great if you’re going to be pumping on the go!

Here are some of my favorites for fluids on the go!

boating WITH BABY

One thing I know we love to do in the summer is head to our family lake house! Having a baby shouldn’t keep you from fun summer activities, such as boating, but there are some rules and regulations when it comes to boating with kids and babies (as there should be!). It’s important to assess the situation and do what you, as the parent, feel comfortable with as well. Lake weekends are some of our favorites here in the Midwest! I grew up on the lake/boats/waverunners, so having my kids enjoy the lake is so fun for me! We have brought our kids up going to my in law’s lake house on summer weekends now, starting when they’re babies! Here are some facts and things to consider:

  • The US Coast Guard of Boating Safety’s Office states that a baby should not travel on a boat if <18lbs, since they cannot safely wear a PFD (personal floatation device/lifejacket)

    • Some may consider that traveling on a boat is different from having a baby on a boat that is docked, or moving at idle speed, as long as baby is wearing appropriate lifejacket— this is your discretion.

  • Baby should be wearing infant life jacket that is US Coast Guard approved (like this one) — has a head piece with a handle and a strap that goes between the legs

  • Avoid bringing an infant carseat/carrier on a boat. They do not float and it is not safe.

  • Make sure baby is wearing PFD when boarding the boat (yes, even if in mama’s arms)

  • Specify shaded areas for baby to lay when boat is docked/anchored to keep them from overheating and getting sunburnt


  • Did you know bringing baby powder and rubbing it on baby’s body when you leave a day at the beach can automatically repel sand? It comes right off! THIS TOOL also works similarly (we have and love!)

  • You can use a beauty blender, makeup brush, or the SOLAR BUDDY applicators to apply sunscreen easily (esp on the face!)

  • Grab an old fitted sheet, turn it upside down, and holster it down with coolers and chairs — you have a made up pack n play for your baby! If you’re looking for a quicker/sturdier option, I also love this POP UP TENT.

looking for more info on sun + babies?!

See my blog post on baby-safe sunscreens HERE

See my blog post on baby-safe bug sprays HERE

See my blog post on beach faves for babies HERE


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